Monday, January 30, 2017

January 30, 2017

Greetings from sunny Florida! Our first three meetings of the year have gone very well! Eight people accepted the Lord in the first three weeks as well as many great decisions. Praise the Lord! We're also very thankful that the weather was great in Portsmouth, VA, since they had eight inches of snow a few weeks ago. Snow and freezing temperatures aren't an ideal mix while living in an RV. Florida will be our residence for two weeks, followed by Georgia. Everything on our truck and trailer is in good working order, at the moment. Thanks again for all the prayers and support!

Monday, January 23, 2017

January 23, 2017

Our itinerary was just updated with several additions. We have finalized the dates for our missions trip to Honduras and are excited for the 3 Sundays with which we will be able to minister there. Allegra Pelletier is going to design a new website for us with a shopping cart so I'll let everyone know when that is complete. We are currently in Portsmouth, VA and will be heading to sunny Florida on Friday! Have a great day. God Bless!