Monday, January 27, 2014

Free Sheet Music

We will periodically post original songs. Feel free to copy and use them for your personal or church use.

Missouri Avenue Baptist Church

We had a great start yesterday here at Missouri Avenue Baptist Church in Clearwater, FL.  With near record attendance in each service, we saw the Lord at work in hearts.  I know a few were dealt with privately with regards to salvation.  The weather here is so nice and I feel for my friends in the north. Evangelists tend to go south in the winter on purpose because it's so much easier to function when it's warmer.  Although, we've had our share of snow and cold in the past and we're not done with the cold yet. :)

First week of meetings

Praise the Lord for His working in hearts at Bethel Baptist Church in North Port, FL!  We saw 6 adults accept Christ and 6 others made sure of their salvation.  The attendance each night was awesome and the choir was such a blessing.  Why was this week so fruitful?  It wasn't our team.  It wasn't our music.  It wasn't a personality.  The people were praying earnestly for specific needs and God answered a lot of specific prayers.  All glory to him!