Monday, September 8, 2014

September 8

I don't know about you, but our summer flew by! We are looking forward to a full fall schedule and we praise the Lord for allowing us to be on the road for nearly 14 years. At the moment, our truck is running excellently (just flipped 100,000 miles) and our trailer, which is 7 years old, is operating well. We are currently working with Glenn Christianson to produce a book with 33 of our original songs, tunes, and arrangements. People have requested songs that aren't in print so we hope that this will fill those needs and be a blessing. A few days ago we came upon a terrible accident on I-70 in Ohio. A woman had rear-ended a semi. When she swerved to miss it she drove the passenger side into the trailer and killed the passenger. I got out to see if I could be of assistance and I heard the driver screaming and crying. It sent chills up my spine. When I saw the passenger I knew she was gone because of the gruesome injuries to her face and head. Reflecting back on that moment I am thankful that I know where I will spend eternity when I die. I'm also thankful for God's protection and for those who pray for us. Thanks again for all the prayers and support that are offered on our behalf! God bless!